Wednesday, September 2, 2009

first day of school 2009

I was reading everyones blog and felt really bad that I hadn't blogged about Carlees first day of school until now.

The very first day of school the 7th graders got to start without the eight and ninth graders. I thought that was awsome. We went to school with Carlee a few weeks earlier to find her classes and find her locker. Neither Carlee or I could open her locker. I was worried that she would have trouble when school started, but she is able to do it now. She also did a good job finding her classes and getting to them on time. I hope this year will be good to her.

Carlee giving Tayler a hug. This was the first day of school, seventh graders only.

We had to take this pictures. Everytime Tayler has food the dogs just sit there waiting for her to drop something.

I think this pitcure is so cute. I think it looks like Savannah in the pictures that Nikki blogged with her hair flipped up. I just think she looks like Savvy, she definatley is a Strong. We have noticed on occasion that her left eye looks crossed. We will have to keep an eye on that. She would look cute in glasses if she needs them.

Carlee starting the first day of real school. It was funny, I drove the carpool to school that day. I asked Carlee at home if she was scared, she said "no". But when we were pulling up to the school, she said "maybe I am scared now". She is liking school so far. She says the halls are packed, if she wants to get anywhere she has to put her elbows up and push through, Brandt taught her that at Christmas on Temple Square. I just hope she doesn't run into someone that turns around and hits . Carlee did see her first cat fight. She said the girls were pulling each others hair and slapping each other.
This is another picture of Carlee on the seventh graders first day. I see her more grown up everytime we take a new picture. She is and is going to be beautiful. I hope she stays just as beautiful inside.


Nicole said...

Carlee is a very beautiful girl who has a great personality to go along with it. Tayler is such a cutie, and I agree, she does look like a Strong. Have fun in school this year Carlee and remember to be a leader not a follower! We can't wait to come up and see you guys around Christmas time. Tell the girls we love them, and you and Brandt too.

Shannon said...

I'm so glad Carlee is enjoying school. I think it is awesome that the 7th graders were able to go a day before the older kids. I still have nightmares about finding my classes and trying to open my locker. It's a good thing she figured it in time for classes to begin. And,it goes without saying, your girls are beautiful!

Nana Donna said...

I'm so glad Carlee is enjoying school. She is not just beautiful, she is stunning! Don't let your beauty go to your head sweet Carlee. You are so beautiful inside as well as outside.

Maya does the same thing as Daisy and Molley at my house with Tayler, Maya follows Tayler around hopeing food will drop to the floor. Tayler is going to be a beauty like her big sister.....get ready mom and dad, your in for it big time!