Sunday, October 25, 2009

We haven't had alot going on, so we haven't blogged for a while. Carlee had a Halloween party Saturday night. I can already tell that late night are going to kill her. She decided to be skull fairy for Halloween. Trying to find a costume for a 12 yre old is too fun (not really). We went to 3 different costume places. The first one, we walk out. Brandt and I were done with Carlees mouth and attuide. We couldn't find a "happy medium" with any of the costumes. Carlee was looking at the womens costumes thinking she wanted to look pretty, but Brandt and I were thinking hochie mama. No luck at the second store either. Finally the third costume place we found our "happy medium". She found the skull fairy in the junior section, actually I found it. I think she knew we weren't going with the womens section anymore. She looked realy good. I just have a hard time spending the money they want for costume that they wear for a couple hours. Oh well, at least mom dad and daughter were finally happy.

Carlee after a late night out.

Happy Birthday Brandt. He turned 35 this year. It sounds so crazy. Iwas thinking when we met we were in our early twenties. Time has gone by so fast. Each seems to go by faster and faster. We ddn't do much, for Brandt's birthday, had dinner at home and had cake. Brandt took all my presents back, that we gave him. I think next year Im going with cash. Happy Birthday we love you so much.

Tayler was helping with the presents. I think she was more excited then dad.

This is the pictures of Mollies leg. Mollie had a tumor on her leg. The morning she went in to get it removed, I thought for sure she would have cancer. I said ok this will be it we will have to put her down. After the surgery the Dr. called and told me that it was a big turmor, she couldn't tell me if it was cancer. Just like Mollie she has to keep us guessing. I know all of you think we are crazy with our dogs, but Mollie, even when hurting, still comes up to you with her tail waging,and her smile, saying to you everyrthing is ok. I know, I think Im the crazy one. The reason why I took this picture is because Mollie had stiches and she ended up ripping those open. She then got staples, and after they took those out, she still has a big hole that we clean out daily. Just to let you know, Mollie doesn't have cancer. I was very happy and relived, they are my babies too.

This was Carlees costume. Sorry I turned the camera thinking it would be ok. She is the skull fairy.
Brandt's B-day cake.

Carlee gladly exepting my help.

Tayler making a scary face. She is growing up to fast. She is finally talking more, so it has been alot better. She started a play group, and she loves going. She says "I shared with all my friends", we are still working on sharing. When the play group comes to our house, she has a really hard time sharing her toys. I can't belive how hard it is to try to entertain 6 two year olds. I am tired after they leave.

Carlee and Tayler giving Brandt his cake.