Sunday, April 5, 2009


This is my play Midsummer nights dream and these are some of my best friends Christien,in the purple,Jericha with the green dress,Hailey is in the pink dress.I was a fairy,Christien was the queen fairy,Jericha was Hippolita queen of the forest,and Hailey was a narrator.I had alot of fun but the one thing that scared me the most was singing I was so scared.

I only have a couple of months of school and then i will start middle school at Elk Ridge Middle School.I already sind up for class that was hard to choose from there were so many.I'm kind of nervous but it will be fun.


Nana Donna said...

Carlee! I'm so glad you are Blogging too! Your school did such a wonderful job with that play. The set design was fantastic and you were wonderful. Thanks for always inviting me to your activities I am so proud of you, keep up the good work in Middle School. I look forward to more of your plays etc.

Shannon said...

You are so grown up. I know that sounds lame but I was recently looking at old pictures and you were once this little girl that was so you're all grown up and beautiful! We love having you in the family and the boys sure love hanging out with you.

Nicole said...

Carlee, you are such a beautiful girl. It looks like you had a great time participating in the play with you friends. I'm sure you were scared singing, but I'll bet that it felt sooo good to do a wonderful job and know you did something that wasn't in your comfort zone. I can't wait to see you this summer. Give your little sister a hug and kiss from Nicole and I. We love and miss you and your family!
Mike, Nicole and Fam.