Saturday, February 28, 2009

Shannon tagged me to put the forth picture from the forth file. This was the picture. This is Tayler in her little tuto. She loves dancing and singing. Brandt and Tayler will dance together. Tayler will put her hands out to you when music is on and want to spin around and jump all over. My grandparents will always have music on in their house, she will come in dancing when she hears it. Donna now I tag you, pick the fifth picture, fifth folder.


Nana Donna said...

I'm not sure what I am doing when you tagged me. But I guess what you mean is I go into my pictures and pick a picture out of the fifth folder, fifth picture. If I'm wrong......Oh well. By the way, cute picture of Tayler.

P.S. Glad to see a new blog!

Shannon said...

This is a very cute picture of Tayler. Thanks for playing along. :)