Hey guys, we are back. We have had a good summer, we have been going camping . We went to Bear Lake , Ephraim, and Aspen Grove. Here are some pictures of are trips. I know it's not Mexico, but we have had some good times.

This picture is from Aspen Grove (Soldier Creek Resevoir), we got to rent a boat. Tayler and Carlee caught a fish, they are pulling it in, Tayler thinks fish are gross. Brandt wanted her to kiss the fish, she didn't go for that.

Another picture of Aspen Grove. The first night me and Brandt where so cold.Tayler started getting sick. We both just laid ther thinking we are going home tomorrow. We got up had to start a fire. It took us a long time to warm up. That day we kept saying we are going home, but Carlee told us we need to stay, which we did. We are glad we stayed.We had a really good time. I want everyone to know that I didn't shower for 2 days, and I still had a good time.

Aspen Grove. Carlee is fishing, she wanted to catch a fish so bad.

Tayler in Bear Lake, this is her fun thing. She could live in the sand and water forever. She was so good on this trip. We missed Carlee, she went to girls camp, she had to much fun. Carlee seemed like she grew up from this trip. It was weird for me, they wouldn't let the girls take their cell phones, never have I gone without talking to Carlee when she is gone. I missed her.

This was the fish the girls caught.It was so exciting to watch everyone face, when the girls brough the fish in. This memory you will never forget. Kids and parents.

This is us just eating whatever we want on this trip, even Brandt let go on this trip. In our camp site we had chipmunks come up to you for food. We had them everywere it was cool to watch them. I have to tell everyone me and Brandt killed a chipmunk. Brandt had some yougurt in the morning and of course I was cleaning up, I threw the container in the fire pit not even thinking that animals might want to get inside the yougurt container and kill themselfs. We got back from fishing and Brandt saw the yougurt container on the side of the pit said look, there was a chipmunk half inside the bottle dead. Can you belive the animal lover that I am, and I killed it. I just have to think it died doing what it loved, eating. It was Carlees favorite one , it was the biggest one out of all of them.

Aspen Grove on the boat. Tayler loved the water to splash on her. So cute!!!!

Carlee wanting to catch the biggest fish.

The girls .

Carlee at Grandma and Granpa Strong's house. Carlee learned how to drive the four wheelers. Brandt said she did awesome. Even though she hit a sign and Brandt's arm. She said she was sorry.

This is are little sweet child.